


Check valves or as a one-way valve. For the hydraulic system to prevent reverse flow of oil flow.

A straight-through one-way valves and rectangular Type two. Straight-through one-way valves installed in a connecting thread of the pipeline. Rectangular style is a one-way valve connecting thread, flange type connectivity and connecting three forms. Fluid control valves also known as one-way pressure valve closed valves or insurance, with the same one-way valves to prevent reverse flow of oil. However, the need for oil flow in hydraulic circuit reverse flows can use hydraulic control, opening a one-way valve, so that the flow of oil can flow in both directions. Fluid control one-way valve used cone disc, sealed a good performance. oil flow closed in demand, the availability of one-way valves as oil flow park sky Paul pressure. Fluid leakage control one-way valves control the manner of oil and oil-leaking Type II species. No reverse flow of oil exports in the oil flow available within inflow Type; Otherwise required outflow type, the control of oil in order to reduce pressure.

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